Monday, December 31, 2012

Speed Up your Samsung Galaxy Y with V6 Supercharger

Having trouble with RAM problems on your Android phone? Well, this script mod, called V6 SUPERCHARGER [U9RC6.1] fixes all your RAM problems.  So you can get a faster, and snappier Android device, suitable for multi-tasking even at not-so-high RAM.


  • It makes your phone FAST. Super snappy with better multitasking!
  • It rearranges and fixes the OOM (Out of Memory) Groupings and Priorites and low memory killer values. So basically, it’s acomplete memory management fix.
  • No Launcher Redraws. Faster than ever, better multitasking.
The V6SuperCharger works on all android devices. Here is an optimal config, best for Samsung Galaxy Y.

V6 Supercharger w/ Optimal Config for Samsung Galaxy Y

Here are the requirements, and files that you need:
  • Your device must be rooted. (tutorial is avaliable on this blog :D )
  • Busybox Installer (You can get it from the Android Market)
  • Script Manager. (You can get it from the Android Market)
  • 3rd Party Keyboard. (Incase Stock won’t work at some case)
  • V6 Supercharger V9RC5 Script (You can get the latest, RC6 version from XDA)
Android V6SuperCharged

General Instructions:

  1. Run Script Manager. Press MENU > MORE > Advance Options > Config.CHECK Browser as root and press back.
  2. Locate where is the script in your SDcard. Press then click the SU image, if its green, you’re good to go. Press RUN. (NOTE: For Supercharge Users already, please do an UNSUPERCHARGE / UNKERNELIZED to avoid errors/conflicts. See Option [15] & [16].)
  3. When asked between BUILD.prop or LOCAL.prop, choose LOCAL.prop since it’s more safe.
  4. For System Integration. Pick the option YES.
  5. On the driver’s option, run the [1] option to check your status.
  6. Now you will see some suggestions there and you 0% Supercharger or 25% (doesn’t matter)
  7. Pick the [10] Option. You are given the minfrees values of “6, 8, 31, 37, 43, 49″. If the values are like this. Then press Yes.
  8. Then after that step, when asked for a Restart, just follow.
  9. After rebooting, run again the script, this time. Pick option [20] for the Nitro Lag Nullifer. Note that this is experimental. It can make your Samsung Galaxy Y faster than ever, Less Lag, or can do nothing. However,  it cannot brick your phone, so why not try it?
  10. Do Option [1]  to check if you are now 100% Supercharge. If not, check everything again, you might missed a step.
  11. Last step we gonna do is the Option [18], the Engine Flush. It will flush your RAM but not like the Task Manager where it closes your application or it will close your 3rd Party Keyboard and etc. This ENGINE FLUSH is a good way if u experience lag but you have still an ample amount of RAM. In short, you can make a habit of this to run anytime you experience LAG.
  12. After all steps. Pick option [31] to exit the script BUT dont exit script manager. Browse to data/ Tap it and make sure it is RUN AS ROOT & BROWSE AS ROOT. It is important that those GREEN and BLUE Icon are ON.
  13. You can now restart your phone to see if the settings are intact.
  14. After booting pick option [1] to check again your status. The status should be like this:
OOM Grouping Fixes ARE in Effect!
That means the boot script ran!
Current Values MATCH Prior SuperCharge!
That means that it’s working!
Current minfrees = 6,8,31,37,43,49 mb
Prior V6 minfrees= 6,8,31,37,43,49 mb
Nitro Lag Nullifier is Installed!
You’re good! Enjoy a snappier Android device, especially your Samsung Galaxy Y.
PS. I have tested this one myself. and my sgy is super fast (Especially media scan) :D

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